
APCNF Impact Assessment Report 2022-23 | IDS Andhra Pradesh

APCNF Impact Assessment Report 2022-23 | IDS Andhra Pradesh

The study uses the “with and without” method to assess the impact of CNF. In this method, the outcomes of CNF farmers cultivating a particular crop are compared with the outcomes of the non-CNF farmers cultivating the same crop.10 Costs and returns data for the crops...

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AgroEco 2050-A Foresight Study-CIRAD, RySS, FAO

AgroEco 2050-A Foresight Study-CIRAD, RySS, FAO

The AgroEco2050 foresight process summarized in this study was conducted through extensive methodological and writing work from late 2018 to 2023, by a Project Team from RySS (Government of Andhra Pradesh), CIRAD/CIRED, and FAO (FAO Plant Production and Protection...

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Assessing the Impact of APCNF Final Report 2021-22

Assessing the Impact of APCNF Final Report 2021-22

The Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) turned to Natural Farming, known as Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF)8, as a way of solving the multiple crises in agriculture. The GoAP have established “Rhythu Sadhikara Samstha” (RySS) which is an...

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Re-thinking food systems in Andhra Pradesh

Re-thinking food systems in Andhra Pradesh

How Natural Farming could feed the future - Agroecology is an integrated approach that simultaneously applies ecological and social concepts and principles to the design and management of food and agricultural systems. It seeks to optimize interactions between plants,...

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Natural Farming Through a Wide-Angle Lens

Natural Farming Through a Wide-Angle Lens

True Cost Accounting Study of Community Managed Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh Community-Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) is a state-wide agro- ecological transformation of the farming practices of its 6 million farmers over 6 million hectares and 50...

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