APCNF Impact Assessment Report 2022-23 | IDS Andhra Pradesh
The study uses the “with and without” method to assess the impact of CNF. In this method, the outcomes of CNF farmers cultivating a particular crop are compared with the outcomes of the non-CNF farmers cultivating the same crop.10 Costs and returns data for the crops...
A Critical Analysis of Natural Farming Systems: Comparative Performance and Sustainability Implications
A comparison of costs, yields, and returns from natural farming versus chemical farming in Andhra Pradesh during 2019–20 saw natural farming in better stead compared to chemical farming. The claim made by Das et al (2024) that natural farming could pose a threat to...
Sustainable Agriculture: Exploring the Benefits of Pre-Monsoon Dry Sowing in Andhra Pradesh
Farmers in regions with eruptive climate conditions are adopting pre-monsoon dry sowing as an eco-friendly and sustainable farming approach. Using primary survey data collected by the Institute for Development Studies Andhra Pradesh, the adoption rate, costs, benefi...
AgroEco 2050-A Foresight Study-CIRAD, RySS, FAO
The AgroEco2050 foresight process summarized in this study was conducted through extensive methodological and writing work from late 2018 to 2023, by a Project Team from RySS (Government of Andhra Pradesh), CIRAD/CIRED, and FAO (FAO Plant Production and Protection...
THE NUDGE Field Research on the Impact of Natural Farming on Farmer Income and Environment
Surveys were conducted with 215 NF practitioners and 189 CF farmers across 5 partners in 7 districts in 3 states, to assess the impact of NF on yield, net income, and total cost of cultivation. Additionally, farmers shared their observations on barriers to adoption,...
Assessing the Impact of APCNF – 3rd Interim [Rabi] Report 2022-23
This study is a continuation of the previous impact studies conducted in 2018-199, 2019-20, 2020-2021 and 2022-23 on APCNF. Earlier studies assessed the effectiveness of APCNF (also known as Seed to seed [S2S] Farming) with the help of field surveys on various...
Assessing the Impact of APCNF – 2nd Interim [Kharif] Report 2022-23
The report presents the results of the survey into the impact of Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF or CNF in short) on farming conditions in Kharif 2022-23. This is fifth in the series of similar studies conducted under the aegis of RySS,...
Assessing the Impact of APCNF Final Report 2021-22
The Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) turned to Natural Farming, known as Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF)8, as a way of solving the multiple crises in agriculture. The GoAP have established “Rhythu Sadhikara Samstha” (RySS) which is an...
Re-thinking food systems in Andhra Pradesh
How Natural Farming could feed the future - Agroecology is an integrated approach that simultaneously applies ecological and social concepts and principles to the design and management of food and agricultural systems. It seeks to optimize interactions between plants,...
Agro-industry vs agroecology? Two Contrasting Scenarios for 2050 in Andhra Pradesh, India
In 2016, after a new decade of worsening agrarian crisis in India (Vaidyanathan, 2006), the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh (AP: 53 million inhabitants and 9.3 million famers in 2020) initiated the scaling of what came to be known first as Zero Budget Natural...
Natural Farming Through a Wide-Angle Lens
True Cost Accounting Study of Community Managed Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh Community-Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) is a state-wide agro- ecological transformation of the farming practices of its 6 million farmers over 6 million hectares and 50...
Assessing the Impact of APCNF Third Interim Report of Rabi 2021-22
The current study is a continuation of the Assessing the Impact of APCNF studies for 2019-20, and 2020-21, undertaken by Institute for Development Studies Andhra Pradesh (IDSAP), Visakhapatnam. This is the third interim report of 2021-22 study, covering the Rabi...