During the Kharif 2019-20, APCNF, at the project level, has prevented the use of ₹475.49 cr worth fertilisers and ₹244.85 cr worth pesticides. These savings have resulted in the larger environmental and health benefits. The project has enabled the APCNF farmers to save ₹577.40 cr in total paid out costs and realize ₹1,152.21 cr additional net returns; i.e., ₹19,866 per APCNF farmer. Had the entire crop area in the state put under APCNF, the GDP from the crop sub-sector would have increased by about 10 percent. When compared with normal yields achieved in the state during last five years, APCNF yields are higher by substantial margins in 12 out of 13 sample crops. The average yields of top 10 performers of APCNF indicate a huge potential to increase the crop yields. Some of the APCNF farmers, on their own, sold their produce in new market channels and realized higher prices Read Full Report here…
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