The AgroEco2050 foresight process summarized in this study was conducted through extensive methodological and writing work from late 2018 to 2023, by a Project Team from RySS (Government of Andhra Pradesh), CIRAD/CIRED, and FAO (FAO Plant Production and Protection Division and FAO India). It was based on the collective expertise and vision of a multistakeholder Expert Group that worked together in India from 2020 to 2022, as well as a numeric tool, “Agribiom-India” (B. Dorin, CIRAD), developed and customized for this collective foresight exercise. The model Agribiom-India and its interface were used interactively by the group to scan and better understand past structural transformations from the 1960s to 2019-20 (in terms of land use, population, employment, sectoral economic growth, productivity), then to test the coherence and adjust the assumptions made for two contrasting scenarios in 2050. As theorized by Dorin and Joly (2020), the process was anchored in a vision of modelling not as a “black box” where many scenario variables and parameters are set by few academics and their own world views, but as a “learning machine” (not to be confused with “machine learning”!) supporting an iterative and creative work by a diverse collective of stakeholders with their own knowledge and visions, ultimately ambitioning to constitute an exercise in participative democracy. Continue Reading Here
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Read the brief: Re-thinking food systems in Andhra Pradesh, India. How natural farming could feed the future